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Posted on April 11, 2008 23:13 by Smiley
Filed under: Evangelism, Praise Reports

Well I was reading, praying and resting this afternoon and lo and behold guess who knocks on my door!?!?  Yep, some missionaries from the Latter Day Saints church.  One had been on his mission for about 8 weeks while the other had been here only about 6 weeks.  I welcomed them in, gave them some water and we sat down and talked.

I won't write everything on here regarding what we talked about because we talked for OVER 2 HOURS (I wish I had recorded it though). We had a fantastic conversation!

At the end, I told them that I was glad they came and that I hoped they were encouraged and challenged just as much as I was.  I told them that I hoped they felt loved, safe and non-threatened as they talked with me.  They replied that it was one of the best conversations that they've had and that they did feel welcomed and safe.  I invited them to come back any time they wanted to and they said that they would.

Before they left, they asked if we could pray together and I said, "Sure."  Then, they asked me if I would pray because they wanted to hear me pray.  It was awesome and an incredible blessing to pray for them. 

I wrote down a few of their arguments so that I could go back and study the scripture and be prepared next time they return.  Praise God for the opportunities that he brings to my door, literally.

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Posted on April 10, 2008 22:12 by Smiley
Filed under: Evangelism, Apologetics

 Another conversation that I had at the ultimate tournament was with a student who argued that governments in third-world countries should freely distribute contraceptives. His reasoning was, by distributing contraceptives, the total amount of abortions would decrease thus eliminating the sin of murdering innocent children.  He argued that conservatives should support the distribution of contraceptives if we felt that it was wrong to have abortions (he also tried to discuss politics with me, but that was one avenue I wouldn't follow him down).  I asked him, "Don't you think you're missing the point?"  More...

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Posted on April 10, 2008 15:35 by Smiley
Filed under: Evangelism, Apologetics

During the second week of the ultimate frisbee tournament, I had a few interesting conversations that are worth mentioning.

One of the conversations was with a non-practicing Jewish guy.  The student had a lot of rabbits that he threw at me to chase. He basically argued that he was a good person and generally people are good.  Sometimes people don't do good things, but they attempt to do good and therefore they are good in essence.  He argued that as long as everything turns out okay, then even if your methods were less than ethical or moral then the methods were justified by the outcome. This is nothing more than an attempt to camouflage the argument, "Do evil so that good may result." This was an argument that Paul was confronted with throughout the New Testament. More...

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Posted on April 10, 2008 14:21 by Smiley
Filed under: Evangelism

 A few weeks ago, I was invited to come 'hang out' at an ultimate frisbee tournament in Savanna, Georgia - High Tide Ultimate Tournament.  The tournament director is the FCA staff person in the area and hosts the tournament every year.  The tournament is held during the weeks of Spring Break for college students across the country. With over 50 schools represented and approximately 20 players on each team, there was well over 1000 students present each week. More...

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Posted on March 5, 2008 00:07 by Smiley
Filed under: Evangelism, Praise Reports, Miscellaneous

Its one thing to be so free that you are able to pack up and go whenever the Lord says to. That is a great benefit of singleness. However, I have, more so, realized these past few months that singleness is no longer a part of my life. It is a very big deal to move a family to another place and to take on the stresses that come along with that. While you don't question God's faithfulness in provision, you still wonder how he will provide - you know he has ways that we still haven't begun to imagine.More...

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